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17:00 - 18:00

When Passion Turns Into Business

Creator Square Stage Mídia e Entretenimento Negócios

Have you ever imagined turning your passion into a business? Ademar Lucas will share his professional trajectory, and provide inspiration for young people who dream of the possibility of entering the entertainment market, what his process was like to attract big brands/support, and how he has fun with it all.


Foto do palestrante Lizzie Barbosa

Mc Lizzie | Moderadora

Lizzie, born in Duque de Caxias, student at Escola Sesc de Artes Dramáticas, 25 years old, composer, singer and actress with a cradle in Funk Carioca. His purpose as an artist is to be a reference so that other young people can see that it is possible to achieve their dreams through art!

Foto do palestrante Lucas Ademar

Ademar Lucas | Palestrante

Ademar Lucas “Luquinhas” é skatista, empresário, palestrante, youtuber , apresentador, empreendedor social, produtor cultural e cria do morro Santo Amaro, no Rio de Janeiro.

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