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10:00 - 11:00

Related Rights - Where is the Play going?

Soundbeats Mídia e Entretenimento Negócios Consumo Criatividade

A market in constant technological transformation demands a deep and constant debate about properties and rights. We will explore the complex ecosystem of neighboring rights in the era of music streaming platforms, the various legal, economic and technological aspects that permeate online distribution, with a special focus on the rights of artists, record producers and other interested parties. What are the challenges faced by content creators and streaming companies, highlighting the main legal and practical issues associated with managing and protecting these rights in a constantly evolving market.


Foto do palestrante Cris Falcão

Cris Garcia Falcão | Palestrante

Cris Falcão is the Managing Director Artist and Label Strategy and GM Latin for Virgin Music Group. In January of 2020, she was tapped with leading the expansion of Ingrooves’ into Brazil. Falcão graduated in Economics and later on added a MBA in Marketing to her academic journey. She started and developed her career in the financial market, having experience in the automotive industry and the finance area of a major consulting company. In 2004, she joined one of the largest independent music publishers in Brazil, facing all the changes in the transition from the physical to digital market, Falcão became a specialist in copyright management.

Foto do palestrante Eduardo Senna

Eduardo Senna | Palestrante

Founding partner of Senna Advogados, with more than 20 years of experience in media and entertainment industries. Founding Partner of Latin Rights, which provides strategic and legal advice to companies and talents throughout LATAM. Legal director of EGEDA, the world's largest organization for collective rights management for the audiovisual industry. Teacher and author of books and articles on copyright, media and entertainment.

Foto do palestrante Isabel Amorim

Isabel Amorim | Moderadora

My educational background is on business administration and communication. I have an MBA from Rothman school and a post graduate degree at IE in Madrid. I am also a fellow at Stanford from 2017 group.I have more than 30 years of experience in publishing, media companies and music industry. I worked for more than 12 years at NYTimes as head on Latin America and Mexico, I was also the head of El Pais newspaper in Brasil an Ed Abril.Today I am CEO of Ecad, a nonprofit organization that has a legal monopoly to manage music licensing of public performance in Brazil. We work under the supervision of Ministry of Tourism. We collect, identify, distribute and protect music copyrights in the country.

Foto do palestrante Rodrigo Suricato

Suricato | Palestrante

Vencedor do Grammy Latino de Melhor Álbum de Rock Brasileiro em 2016 e novamente indicado no álbum seguinte, o compositor, multi-instrumentista e produtor Rodrigo Suricato é um dos celebrados artistas/músicos da última década. Reconhecido como um dos maiores instrumentistas do país, Rodrigo já ganhou o prêmio melhor guitarrista brasileiro no concurso "Gibson Contest" , promovido pela Gibson USA, Revista Guitar Player e IM&T. Em 2017, passa a fazer parte de uma das mais icônicas bandas de todos os tempos: o Barão Vermelho. Sucedendo Cazuza e Frejat, sua performance é aclamada pela crítica e público, revigorando o legado da banda em álbuns de estúdio e shows por todo Brasil

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