Urca Filmes

For over 20 years, Urca has developed and produced a diverse portfolio of award-winning fiction films, documentaries, and series. Founded by Leonardo Edde and Eduardo Albergaria, the independent production company enhances Brazilian cultural identity through high-quality productions. Highlights include Our Dream, the highest-grossing film of 2023, Soy Cuba: The Siberian Mammoth, and Amazônia Groove. Urca excels as a co-production partner and executive producer for films like Elite Squad 2 and The Movie of My Life, achieving success in domestic and international markets.

Looking For

Strategic Partnerships, New Talents/New Businesses

Opportunity to connect with medium/large companies, Development ideas/prototypes

Looking For

In Development, In Production, Finished (no prior exhibition), Concept / IP (Intellectual Property)

Project Status

Digital, Cinema, TV, Other Media

Display Windows

Games & APPs, Feature Film, Miniseries, Series, Reality Show


Action, Adventure, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Sports, Science Fiction, Romance


Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller/Mystery, Horror, Action, Art/Culture, Biography, Content for Change, Espionagem, Factual Life Style, Western, Historical Fiction, History and Culture, Humor, Musical, Nature and wildlife, Cop/Criminal, Psychological


Eduardo Albergaria

Director and Screenwriter

Gabriela Moura

Strategic Coordination and Project Management

Marcele Sampaio

project management