Paris Entretenimento

Paris Entertainment consolidated itself as an independent production company in 2015 and has already released 20 feature films, and sold more than 20 million cinema tickets. Throughout our history we have produced cinema adaptations of the soap-opera Carousel and of the TV-show Blue Building Detectives, children's and teenager's feature films, romantic comedy (Get My Wife A Boyfriend), biopic (Nothing to Lose), comedies (The Perfect Mother-In-Law and 2 + 2) and the first Brazilian Christmas movie (Christmas Countdown), and the movie The Awakener that later became a TV-Show. In 2021, we've developed several TV-shows for streaming platforms. In 2022, we have filmed 7 features films.

Looking For

In Development, Concept / IP (Intellectual Property)

Project Status

Cinema, TV

Display Windows

Feature Film, Miniseries, Telenovela, Series


Kids, Documentary, Science Fiction


Sci-Fi, Romance, Thriller/Mystery, Horror, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Biography, Western, Cop/Criminal


Adrien Muselet

Head of Content
