Belas Artes á la carte

À LA CARTE is a streaming platform for people who loves real cinema! Our catalogue includes films from all over the world and from all decades: contemporary; classics; cults, great directors, super awarded and mostly those films that deserve to be seen more than once that touches every cinephile's heart! No algorithms here, only a thoughtful curatorship. À LA CARTE was created in 2019 and integrates Belas Artes Group, also home for the distribution company Pandora Filmes and the great cinema theater Belas Artes in São Paulo.

Looking For

Finished (no prior exhibition)

Project Status



Feature Film, Miniseries, Series




Art/Culture, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Cop/Crime, Romance, Thriller/Mystery


Juliana Brito

Executive Director

Thaisa Zanardi

licensing and releases coordinator