Leonardo F Filardi

Ed Director

iDG - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão


06/06/2024 06/06/2024

Mídia e Entretenimento Audiovisual

Creator Square Stage Creator Square Stage

As an Expert in Design Thinking from Stanford’s d.School and an Entrepreneurship graduate from Babson, I have over 20 years of experience in impactful social innovation projects. I was part of the team that established the Incubator at Universidade Veiga de Almeida, the Ibmec Entrepreneurship Center, and Startups Brasil Factory. Additionally, I coordinated the Shell Youth Initiative Program and Yunus Social Businesses. I led the implementation of 42 Rio and 42 Abu Dhabi, innovative programming schools that prepare young individuals for the job market. Currently, I am the Director of Education at iDG